Monday, March 14, 2016

Yes, Trump's Campaign is Scary- Blame Republicans

Friday night was a rather significant night in American politics. A Donald Trump rally was shut down by violence in Chicago. An anti-Trump contingent showed up at his rally at the University of Illinois at Chicago, and their presence caused the pro-Trump crowd to react to them, ultimately leading to violence, and the postponement of the event. Clearly, Mr. Trump has struck a nerve on both sides of the political divide. Clearly his divisive rhetoric has awakened a reactionary force against him.

Let's stop pretending that Trump's rise came out of nowhere. For eight years we've listened to the Republican Party create the atmosphere that gives us Donald. They refused at the leadership level to disavow the "birther" movement that said President Obama was not born in America. They refused to disavow calls that President Obama was a Muslim. They put up candidates who were not serious for high office, beginning with the rise of Sarah Palin as a potential Vice-President. They refused to work with this President on absolutely anything at all. The combination of all of this is what gets us to this point.

What we saw in Chicago on Friday is scary stuff, as was previous violence at Trump events. It wasn't random. It probably isn't the end with this guy. The atmosphere that this can happen in doesn't happen over night, and needed time to develop. The GOP allowed this type of situation to be possible. Now they are acting shocked that a Trump can happen.

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