Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The GOP Really Might Nominate Donald "Drumpf" Trump

It's happening- Donald Trump is winning the Republican nomination. He won four out of five states last night, and he has moved closer to the Republican nod. He was sitting at 621 last night, and is likely to add more of them by the end of the day. He needs 1,237 delegates to win the nomination, or another 616, and there are 1,134. Even despite the wins last night, he needs 54.32% of the remaining delegates- a tall order. Even with last night's wins, this is not a lock, yet.

Even so, no one else is going to win the nomination on first ballot besides Donald Trump. No one is close enough to possibly get there. Ted Cruz won nothing last night, and he has 396 delegates as of last night. It's Donald Trump, or a chaotic mess of a convention, where the GOP ends up destroying itself over the question of whether or not to nominate this guy.

Donald Trump is going to gain more delegates as this morning goes on, and inch closer to 1,237 delegates. He had a great night, despite a week colored by riots at his events that caused cancellations, arrests, and questions over whether his campaign was responsible for the mess. If anything, these questions and debates helped him with Republican Primary voters last night. It is clear that he is the only candidate with anything close to a mandate from the GOP's voters. The Republican establishment may not like that, but denying him the nomination would come at great peril to the party.

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