Wednesday, February 24, 2016

It's Time for Beltway Republicans to Accept the Reality of Trump

Donald Trump won big- again. At least at last look, he's coming in with a lead over 20%. He almost won a majority tonight. He gained even more delegates. Donald Trump took another step towards winning the Republican nomination. It is even more likely than it was this morning that Trump is going to march to the nomination.

All I've heard from my Republican activist/operative friends is how Trump will be stopped. They will slowly fall into line behind Marco Rubio, and suddenly he will be beating Trump and win this nomination. It gets beyond wishful thinking, into flat out fantasy land.

The GOP is running out of time to stop Trump. No matter how offensive this guy is, his lead is still strong. Super Tuesday is now under a week away, and Trump leads big. Alabama, Alaska, American Samoa, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia will hold Republican contests, and Trump will be favored in most of them. The worst thing that can happen to Rubio is likely to happen, a Cruz victory in Texas that keeps him in the race. As long as the race stays multi-candidate, Trump is collecting huge sums of delegates. Marco Rubio can get all the endorsements he wants, it's probably too late. The conservative media created this monster, and now they're stuck with him.

Marco Rubio hasn't won a single primary yet. Ted Cruz is falling. John Kasich is staying in, likely to lose badly. Ben Carson isn't serious. If Donald Trump can keep this up for just another week, the GOP may not be able to do better than a convention fight. If he keeps it up through March 15th, the nomination might be over.

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