Sunday, February 7, 2016

The "Boy in the Bubble" is the Most Incompetent and Scary

Rarely does Chris Christie say something that I not only agree with, but is 100% gospel truth. Last night, history happened:
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie tore Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) apart on Saturday night for repeating the exact same line about President Barack Obama three times in four minutes during ABC’s Republican presidential debate, calling it his “memorized 25-second speech.”
I don't like giving Christie credit for much of anything, but he's got Rubio figured out:
Christie, who has been a vocal critic of Rubio, pounced on what he called Rubio's "scripted" response and argued that the Florida Republican's one term in office was insufficient experience to become President.
“You have not been involved in a consequential decision where you had to be held accountable,” Christie said. “You just simply haven't. And the fact is—when you talk about the Hezbollah sanctions act that you list as one of your accomplishments, you weren't even there to vote for it. That's not leadership. That's truancy."
"I like Marco Rubio and he's a smart person and a good guy, but he simply does not have the experience to be President of the United States," he added later.
Rubio fired back by accusing Christie of worsening New Jersey’s debt problem before pivoting back to his attack on Obama.
The New Jersey governor jumped in, saying: “This is what Washington D.C. does. The drive-by shot at the beginning with incorrect and incomplete information and then the memorized 25-second speech. That is exactly what his advisers gave him.”
I know, it's not fun to beat up on Rubio. He's hopeful and he smiles, and he talks nice- but he's easily the scariest candidate. He's both not very smart and somewhat threatening in the general election. The DC media likes him, and has not described him for what he is. Marco Rubio is a ball of ambition, with mediocre talent. Marco Rubio is an abortion extremist. Marco voted to make single mothers print their sexual history in the local paper to put their babies up for adoption, Florida's "Scarlet Letter Law."  His idea of foreign policy is calling for a "clash of civilizations" with Islam, or a modern day Crusade. Marco Rubio is even personally beholden to billionaire ex-Eagles owner (a bad one at that) Norman Braman, who pays his bills for him. He did more to kill immigration reform as a Senator than anyone else in the country by abandoning his own bill. I guess at least he showed up to turn his back on that potential achievement. It's no wonder Rick Santorum can't name anything Rubio's done as a Senator.

I never give Chris Christie credit, he's a bad guy. I will say this though- he's right about Marco Rubio. The "boy in the bubble" is easily the scariest Republican running for President. He's bad at his current job, not very bright, and gets covered as though he's somehow less extreme than the other guys in the field. Marco Rubio is a bad dude, and I have to give credit to Christie for beating him up on it last night.

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