Thursday, February 11, 2016

Couldn't Happen to Nicer People

Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina, two of the nastiest bullies in the yard, are both off of the yard. I can't say I feel bad for them. Christie who bullied and shoved his way to national prominence, and Fiorina, who never saw a truth she liked, were some of the meanest candidates in the field for President. Both are gone.

Christie was probably in the more competent tier of the Republican Primary, a candidate who somehow appeared less scary than he was when matched against a Ted Cruz or Donald Trump. Even so, those of us from the East Coast know just how ruthless Christie can be. We saw him yell at teachers, hand out Sandy relief based on politics, and he or his staff (I only write it this way because he hasn't been formally charged, while some staff has been.) close down lanes on the George Washington Bridge to exact political revenge. He's a nasty, nasty guy. His arrogance, his desire to fight any time he could, and his need to always be right did not do him any favors in this race. I hope beating up on all of the enemies was worth it for him. I'm glad he at least torpedoed Marco Rubio on the way out.

Carly Fiorina is a special case. I take great satisfaction watching her drop her White House bid. She's not all that qualified for the job, and she's not at all likable. She tanked HP as the CEO, and she did terrible as a Senate candidate in California. Despite all that, she ran for President anyway, and made making stuff up her top talent. She flat out lied about "seeing videos" of Planned Parenthood harvesting baby organs. There is a special place in hell for someone who can lie like she did. I can't say that she really did anything nice in this race.

I'm very happy to see these two go away. The Presidential race is a better place without them. I guess this failure couldn't happen to two nicer people.

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