Friday, February 5, 2016

I'm a Fan of the Iowa Caucus

I get it- you think Iowa's the worst. It's too rural, too white, too old, the people have nothing to do- you're way over-generalizing, but you're entitled to your opinion. Maybe you hate caucuses, because you know, there's more process than a mindless push of a button, which is also fine. You're just wrong.

I love that the Presidential election process starts out in a place where television buys are cheap, and you can get a crowd out to watch any Presidential candidate on any day of the week. The people are engaged, reasonable, and yet passionate. You can't do this on the East or West Coast, the public just wouldn't engage all the candidates like this. You shouldn't do it in a larger state either, the retail aspect will be gone. If you had a national primary day, or rotated the "first in the nation" status, the nominations of the two parties would simply be put up for sale to the highest bidder, and all that would matter is fundraising numbers, as though they don't now.

Maybe you wouldn't like to visit Iowa- that's your loss. It's a great place, and I enjoy visiting. If you don't like it, don't run for President, no one is making you. Just cool it with your, "why Iowa?" questions every four years. You'll never quite understand.

To close, here's the Iowa Democratic results, by county. I'm looking forward to Iowa 2024.

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