Monday, May 30, 2016

Happy Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! Enjoy the cookouts, the hot dogs, the heat, the pools, the hamburgers, the fireworks, the festivals, the impending thundershowers, and the company of family and friends today!

Also, remember our veterans. We sent a lot of my friends, people my age, into Iraq and Afghanistan. Some of them paid the ultimate sacrifice, and so we remember them on Memorial Day. It's important for a nation to remember their fallen and to take a moment to pause and honor them. Let's not forget the ones who didn't fall though. Some of them gave limbs and physical health for America. Some gave their minds, and battle mental troubles that the rest of us can't imagine. I probably have a half dozen friends currently battling PTSD, some in very obvious and painful ways, and others in total silence, so that many of you don't know when you see it. It makes me sad. Put aside any personal feelings about our wars and foreign policy over the last decade for a moment, these young Americans just volunteered to do a job. They committed to defend this nation, and they did their jobs. Let's not forget them.

Enjoy the cookouts, the family and friends, the nice weather, and the oncoming Summer. Don't forget why we have the holiday though.

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