Monday, May 23, 2016

Facts and Hillary

I've become a huge Hillary Clinton fan, but that was not always the case. In 2007, I was not a Clinton fan. In fact, she was probably my third choice in that 2008 field for President, behind Chris Dodd and Joe Biden. I was tired of the "scandals," didn't agree with her on Iraq, didn't believe she had "earned" the nomination, and didn't think she was likable enough to be President. I was many of the things that today's Bernie Sanders supporters are, in their feelings to Hillary Clinton. I'm not today though, and that's not because Hillary has "changed," because she hasn't much. It's because i'm older, and I understand that facts should outweigh how I "feel."

Hillary Clinton is the most ethical leader we have in this nation today. I get that this will raise the ire of some, but there is no other logical conclusion to come to. For the last quarter century, the Republican Party in Washington, DC has had her investigated on everything from her e-mails to possibly murder. They've accused her of corruption, of crimes, and damn-near treason. She always, every single time, without fail, has ultimately not faced a single charge. To be investigated this much, and to not be charged is amazing. Any normal human-being would have been caught up in something they inadvertently found fishing for other stuff, as happened to her husband in the Lewinsky scandal (the GOP did not start out looking for her). That has never happened to Hillary. Despite all of the assertions that she is corrupted by money, is "bought," or is any number of other things, there is zero evidence to back that up. Hillary Clinton is one of the cleanest public officials we could have.

Of course, I'm supposed to believe the country hates her too. She has huge unfavorables, no one at her rallies, and can't be elected, or so they say. She has a lead in votes this year of over two-million, and received eighteen-million votes in 2008. Bernie Sanders seems to have so much more energy, and more people coming to see him, but yet he's losing the race to her. The only thing I can gather is that her critics are incorrect about her support.

I get it. Hillary Clinton doesn't feel pure or decent, she's calculating and smart, and she's willing to get deals done. That's not the stuff people feel good about in government, so they project negative characteristics on her. The truth of the matter though is, she's got a strong group of backers, and she's a quite honest person. Is she perfect? No. Some of the things I disliked about her in 2007 and 2008 were true. Even so though, the only facts that we bend in regards to Secretary Clinton as a society are the ones we willfully back to make ourselves feel better. If we were honest, we'd all admit it- she's the best, most qualified candidate running for President in 2016.

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