Sunday, May 29, 2016

33 Goals

I have 33 goals at 33 years old-
  1. Get my weight to under 200- and then down to 190- I'm at 200.2, the lightest i've been since 2002. I want to get back under 200, and then keep going to 190.
  2. Form a band- I want to form a band. I'm back playing the drums, and I want to have a band, a goal I gave up on a long time ago.
  3. 50 baseball games in 2016- I'm at twelve games so far this season, and I went to 40 last season. I want to get to 50 professional baseball games.
  4. Complete my Masters- A few years ago, I started grad classes. I did well too, held a 3.67 GPA at Penn State. Then I stopped, mostly because of cost/time. I want to finish that.
  5. I want to go to the top of the Freedom Tower- I want to "go to the top of the world." I consider this the top of the world.
  6. Win Another Election- I want to win another election. Yes, it's a bit addicting. More so, I enjoy the challenge. Beyond that, I think I study government and politics more than most people, and have something to offer the public that most candidates don't. I can only offer that by trying.
  7. Run another 5k- The last time I participated in a formal sporting event was May of 2002. I think it's time for me to get back in shape and do one again, just to say I did.
  8. Write a book- I want to write a book about my young adult years in politics. I think I have some things to say.
  9. See a football game in South Bend- I want to see a Notre Dame home game. 
  10. Visit the Vatican- I want to go to Rome in general, but Vatican City is chief on the "to do" list.
  11. Drive across America- I always enjoy the ride from Easton, PA to Iowa. It's peaceful, and it shows you many different places. I want to make an even longer ride though- across the country. I want to see the west, and see it at my pace.
  12. Bench press 300 pounds again- I want to bench 300 pounds at least one more time in my life.
  13. Wrigley Field- I've always wanted to see Wrigley Field, like since I was five or six. I want to see a game there.
  14. Come to a religious conclusion- I was raised Byzantine Catholic, and at no point have I become an atheist. I just have strayed away. I would like to be moved back to formal religion at some point in my life. I'm not going to force it, I'll either find it or I won't.
  15. Own a home by 40- I never wanted a home, in part because I find it to be a waste of time. However, I am realizing that I'd like to have my own space. Like, more than a studio apartment space. I am in no rush to have a mortgage, but I suppose by 40 that's realistic.
  16. Earn the title of Senator- I don't care if we're talking state or federal, the title of Senator is one of the oldest, most respected titles in society. I'd like to earn it.
  17. Visit Jerusalem- I want to go see the center of western religion. I don't want to die, so this won't happen soon, but I'd like to see Jerusalem- old and new city.
  18. Visit Udol, Slovakia- My great-grandmother was one of the closest people to me in the world up until her death when I was nine. I want to return to the village she left in Slovakia and see it.
  19. Become a millionaire- I'd like to achieve that "level" financially some day. This is probably one of the least important goals I have though, because I have no plan of what to do with this money.
  20. Attend a shareholder meeting- I'd like to own enough stock in a company that I actually care enough to go to a Shareholder meeting.
  21. See Moscow, Tehran, and Havana- I want to go to the foreign capitols most associated with being "anti-American" in modern history, just to meet the people there and prove they are good people.
  22. Own a boat- I want a boat. Like, one you can sleep in and take out in the ocean. 
  23. Go to the top of the Empire State Building- I want to see New York from the top of the greatest building in the world.
  24. Learn another language, or more- I would like to be better than an ignorant gringo and maybe speak some other languages.
  25. Go to an Olympics- I'd love to go see the Olympics some day. Not in the U.S. either. I mean over seas.
  26. Visit the Presidential libraries of every President in my lifetime- So, we're talking Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, and whoever gets elected next.
  27. Buy a black BMW- Yup, this is the car I want.
  28. Visit Hong Kong- This appears to be the only skyline that really rivals New York City, in my view, in the world. I want to see it.
  29. Do an Oktoberfest in Germany- I want to do one of these things for real, for real. 
  30. Tour Africa- I want to go see lions and other animals in their natural habitat. Africa might be the last continent that corporations haven't completely FUBAR'ed yet. It'd be nice to see.
  31. Found a charitable organization- I love politics, and I think government is the best equipped entity to solve the world's problems. I just would like the purity at some point to work on one issue outside of the political process. I have a lot of non-political friends, and I think it would be much easier for them to support that, which would be kind of cool.
  32. Go to Daytona and Indy- I'd love to go see the two biggest auto races of the year. I'm not a die-hard race car driving fan, but it's awesome live. Those two races must be a lot of fun.
  33. Settle Down in Life- I have no idea what this even means. Getting married isn't really a goal for me, though i'm not 100% opposed as I once was. I wouldn't mind kids, but I know i'd end up hating it. I just keep thinking there has to be something else to this life than career and petty nonsense.


  1. 2) YES! 3) Come to Nats Park 4) Yes 19) Give it away to good causes!! 21) In for Havana 23) Surprised you've never done this 26) In for Little Rock and (maybe) Chicago 29) In for Oktoberfest 30) In for Africa 2017 31) In for this, sooner than later 33) There's no hurry :)

  2. I believe #3 is on the schedule this Summer, Sally. I don't think I have the option to rush #33 at this time lol.
