Friday, January 29, 2016

The GOP Field is so Weak, Trump Won a Debate he Wasn't at

I missed the real time Republican Debate broadcast on Fox last night. I'm glad I did, for the sake of my health, as listening to those windbags spout off nonsense raises my blood pressure. It's become so bad that listening to Marco Rubio is no longer something I can do in good conscience.

I did watch the pundits afterwards, and I did watch the Trump event later on. The one thing that is clear is that Donald Trump won last night. Yes, he won without going to the debate. He won without appearing on TV or stepping into the building. While some felt that Jeb Bush had a good night, and others thought Rand Paul or Marco Rubio had good moments, just about every pundit, and my opinion, agreed that Donald Trump won. He left last night in no weaker position to win Iowa on Monday, and the nomination this Summer.

This is how terrible the Republican candidates for President are. Donald Trump doesn't even show up, and he wins the debate. While the press keeps waiting for Trump to fail, Rubio to rise, and whatever else they think will happen, the race just keeps staying the same. Donald Trump can insult entire races and religions, engage in an unprecedented fight with the media moguls that run the GOP, and skip debates, and still beat these clowns. These candidates don't get the GOP base like he does, and they just aren't smart or talented. In short, to quote Trump, candidates like Rubio and Cruz are "losers." He can beat them without even showing up.

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