Thursday, January 14, 2016

Is This for Real?

It's January 14th. Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are not running away with their nominations. Donald Trump leads in Iowa and New Hampshire and Bernie Sanders is basically tied in Iowa and leads New Hampshire. There's not just a chance that Clinton or Bush could lose, there's a chance we could get Bernie vs. Donald.

What world am I in?

I can't stand Donald, but I get what's happening there. He's appealing on a more raw level to Republican Primary voters. Bernie? I also get that this is just the latest variation on Howard Dean, Bill Bradley, George McGovern, and Eugene McCarthy. That either is winning is shocking though. This was not supposed to happen.

Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush were supposed to be winning by now. Voters aren't handing it to them. The voters may be crazy, they may be right. I just can't believe I'm living through this.

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