Monday, November 16, 2015

No Marco, Saying "Radical Islamic Terrorists" Does Not Matter

Over the weekend, Marco Rubio tried to make a big deal that Hillary Clinton doesn't call ISIS by the specific words "Radical Islamic Terrorists." She referred to them as Jihadists, which wasn't good enough for Rubio apparently. He wants to hear these specific words, as though there is some sort of strategic value in saying them.

This is one of those idiotic "sound tough" issues that conservatives set up to show they are the only way to get tough on terrorism. I don't care if you ISIS the Jihadists, Radical Islamic Terrorists, or Power Rangers, what matters is how you are going to handle them moving forward. If anything, Jihadists is a much, much better term than "Radical Islamic Terrorists," in that it not only doesn't loop in all the Muslims who don't support ISIS, but it singles out these killers on their own. Still, Rubio wants to hear these specific words, as though calling them that means you will be tougher on ISIS.

Marco Rubio has no idea what he would do to stop ISIS if he were President. The nonsense out of his mouth on the issue so far shows him to be the lightweight that his critics believe him to be. His bluster in his rhetoric might excite stupid people, but it would do nothing to crush ISIS. What's his solution to Syria? How would he handle refugees? What's his plan to stop ISIS agents abroad? We're not hearing any of that from young Marco. We're just hearing about linguistics.

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