Monday, November 9, 2015

Boo-Hoo- Ben's Feelings are Hurt

This is way too much, I can't stop laughing:
This press conference was the most awake I’ve seen Ben Carson in…. well, ever. I half expected him to pull out a hammer and go after that guy on his left who kept asking him the uncomfortable questions.
Don’t miss the section where he runs through a selection of choice anti-Obama conspiracy theories — Frank Marshall Davis, Bernadine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, sealed college records, etc. — in a voice that keeps getting higher and more querulous, like a child throwing a tantrum.
But the best part is when he says, “I don’t remember this level of scrutiny for one President Barack Obama, when he was running.”
He's kidding, right? For most of President Obama's Presidency, the majority of Republicans have questioned if he was a citizen, and the media has covered that as a somehow legitimate conversation. He's been called a closet Muslim, a Kenyan, a terrorist sympathizer, and all other forms of lunatic fringe language. These are all illegitimate conspiracy theories, but they got covered. Hell, Donald Trump even wanted to see his college transcripts. That's how ridiculous this got.

Ben Carson's little feelings are hurt, he got caught being a liar. You know if you applied to West Point or not, that's not a minor detail. You know if you attacked people violently in your past or not, most likely. Ben Carson's problem is that his odd life's story has holes in it, and it's really the only reason he's in this race. He has no experience, he's not qualified to do the job of President. He's biography based in his appeal, and he makes up parts of his biography. I'm having a lot of trouble feeling bad for him. Usually people who lie about their biography don't just lie about a part or two....

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