Wednesday, June 15, 2016

The Democratic Party of Today is a Great Political Party

This primary season, we heard a lot about what is wrong with the Democratic Party. They take donations from the wealthy. They haven't tried to end all war. It took time for many of their leaders to come around on some social issues. Twenty years ago they weren't progressive enough for today's standards. Their primary system is stupid. So on and so on.

I have a very different read on the party. The Affordable Care Act. The first African-American President. Investments in solar and renewable energies. Support for an increased minimum wage. The first female Speaker of the House. Dodd-Frank. The Violence Against Women Act. Marriage Equality. The first female Nominee for President. Protecting a woman's right to choose. The first Latina Justice of the Supreme Court. Climate Pacts around the world, and with the major players like China. Normalized relations with Cuba. An anti-nuclear weapons deal with Iran. The Consumer Protection Bureau created by Dodd-Frank. I could go on and on, and these are just things that have happened in the last decade.

We have a great political party. If your only goal is perfection, and never having to compromise, you should probably stop caring about politics, because you will be a very unhappy person. If your goal is progress, the Democratic Party has lived up to every reasonable standard imaginable.

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