So Bernie Sanders has reportedly put out a list of things he wants, and they tend to focus on process- complete open primaries, ending the super-delegates, removal of the DNC Chairwoman and several other party leaders, and same-day registration in every state. Open primaries and same-day registration is not a decision of the party, while the super-delegate process and the party leaders are. I only support one of these four proposals, and am open on one. Here's why:
- Same-Day Registration- I support Bernie on this one. There should be same-day registration everywhere. We should make it as easy to vote as possible. Voting is a right. The problem with this, of course, is that state legislators need to approve this. They won't all be very excited to do this.
- Super-Delegates- I am certainly open to changing this system, but elimination would actually have negative consequences. If we eliminated super-delegates for 2020, members of Congress and Governors would be running for delegate slots against every day people who run. We would have a convention that would end up full of elites, and no one else. Now, I agree that super-delegates should not be allowed to over-rule the pledged delegate count, but 1.) they never have, and 2.) that's the only reason Bernie is still in the race. I don't think the super-delegates are a big problem, but i'm not totally opposed to making them pledged based on the results either. I don't see it as a priority though.
- Open Primaries and Caucuses- No. Absolutely not. I'm with the Congressional Black Caucus here, I want Democrats picking the Democratic nominee. If you can't join the party, why should you pick it's nominee? If you want to make registration easier, i'm fine with that. You still should join the party, if you want to make decisions regarding it.
- DNC Leadership- No. Absolutely not. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz has her flaws, but she's done a good job. You do not reward people who are ignorantly claiming that she rigged the system. She did not. You don't reward sour grapes and misinformed statements.
Those are my thoughts right now. There's some things to work with, and some things to dismiss out of hand.
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