Thursday, June 2, 2016

#ImWithHer: Hillary Tells it How it is on Donald Trump

Was it her best speech yet? It felt like Hillary Clinton was finally freed up to be herself. She didn't seem like she was splitting hairs, or like she was uncomfortable, or that she had any apprehension. Hillary simply crushed Donald Trump with point after point, using his many blunders, and doing it in a nationalistic manner. It was as good of a performance as I have ever seen her give as a political candidate. She was great.

She was also honest. Donald Trump has no idea how to lead American foreign policy. He would fight with allies and embrace enemies, he would say one thing, then try to say he said the opposite. He offers no stability, no capability, no intellectual capacity at all. She crushed him for supporting nuclear proliferation, she smacked him for praising dictators like Kim Jong-Un. She scolded him for proposing giving ISIS a safe-haven in Syria. She chided him for saying he would not support Israel. She mocked him for picking fights with the Prime Minister of Great Britain, the Mayors of London and Paris, the Pope, and others. She called him out for saying NATO has no current application. She even pointed out his inconsistencies on Iraq, Libya, and all sorts of other foreign policy issues. On every point, she literally used his words.

This is the candidate we are all hoping for. This is the leader America needs. I'm very, very happy she went out and gave this speech. This is how she will be our next President.

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