Friday, October 23, 2015

What is the Allegation on Benghazi?

I watched parts of the Benghazi Hearings yesterday, and I feel much worse for doing so. What a joke! As I watched though, something hit me- why the hell is this hearing going on?

Normally, you have an investigation either to make recommendations for the future, or to prove or disprove an accusation. The Benghazi Committee is not trying to make recommendations, and even if they were, better experts than a bunch of Congresspeople have already done that. If they were trying to make recommendations for the future, they would have had hearings with more than just the Secretary of State, and they would be moving much faster than they are. There's no sign this is about making recommendations to improve security at foreign outposts in the future. So this has to be an investigation to prove an accusation. What accusation though?

Is the accusation that Hillary Clinton actually was behind the Benghazi attack? Is it that she ordered a "stand down" of security, so that the Americans died? Is it that she lead a cover-up of the attack? Is it that she used a private e-mail? Most of this is absolutely ridiculous and not grounded in any kind of reality. If she was ordering a "cover-up," why would she have put out a statement at all that night, or commissioned the ARB, or testified and cooperated with several other investigations? Clearly the other theories are absolutely insane, so let's not even give them more print.

I left this entire farce of a hearing wondering exactly what they are investigating, if they are investigating anything at all. This committee is sort of looking at a hodge-podge of conspiracy theories from the looney right. They refuse to release transcripts from testimony, and they refuse to really zone in on one issue they want to investigate. The truth of the matter is, Trey Gowdy has no idea what he's investigating. He and the Republicans on this joke of a committee are simply there to keep talking about something bad that happened at the Department of State under Hillary Clinton. It has no point. It has no ending goal. The whole investigation is just an arm of the Republican National Committee.

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